23 thoughts on “Seeing God in the Ordinary

  1. Hi Matt, I really like your web site! I have read your Lenten poems and your essay on history,and faith. You have a gift for writing in a way which clarifies the issues. I look forward to reading yor Sabah poems.

  2. I have nominated you for the Liebster blog award. Please check out my last post if you’d like to accept.

    1. Thankyou! That’s very encouraging. I’ve already received a Liebster Award so I may not officially accept this one, but it’s much appreciated. And congratulations on your nomination too.

  3. Hi Matthew,
    My name’s Miriam, and I’ve heard about your site (and I think met you before?) around Melb Christian circles. I really resonate with your ethos and writing, and congrats on the SPCKA comp! =)

    1. Hi Miriam. Thanks for the encouragement! I think we have met a couple of times through Ridley circles. Glad to hear that my writing has resonated 🙂

  4. Hi Matthew, Tony Roberts said I should drop by and say “Hi”. So…. “Hi!”
    Tony said you were contributing some poems to his up and coming book, “Delight in Disorder”.
    I’m looking forward to delving into your blog 🙂

    1. Thanks, Lyn! Glad you stopped by. I noticed your name on Tony’s blog. I look forward to reading more of your writing too – I like what I’ve read so far. God bless.

  5. I like The Consolation of Writing as a definition and as an act! “Con-sole” makes me think of “With” and “Alone”, being next to someone alone, and writing can be that powerful, getting close to people. Thank you for the follow by the way. Please be aware that my blog is a bilingual one.
    So you may get links to some poems in English as well as to some in Italian…
    I’m trying to keep the posting balanced between the two languages. Keep up the good work. Blessings,

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